Old Exam Questions

by Marc Geilen (m.c.w.geilen@tue.nl)

January, 2023

This page shows questions from previous exams of the dataflow and max-plus part, Module C, of the course 5XIE0.


Problem: Dataflow Graphs and Max-Plus Algebra, Problem Set 1 (27 pts)

Consider the following Timed Dataflow Graph.

  1. (3 pts) Make the graph deadlock free by adding one initial token to a channel, in such a way that the following schedule is valid for the new graph.

    \(\sigma(A, 0) = 3\) \(\sigma(A, 1) = 13\) \(\sigma(A, 2) = 25\)
    \(\sigma(B, 0) = 1\) \(\sigma(B, 1) = 10\) \(\sigma(B, 2) = 21\)
    \(\sigma(C, 0) = 20\) \(\sigma(C, 1) = 17\) \(\sigma(C, 2) = 30\)
    \(\sigma(D, 0) = 7\) \(\sigma(D, 1) = 17\) \(\sigma(D, 2) = 30\)
  2. (3 pts) Give the self-timed schedule \(\sigma_2\) for the first three iterations of the new graph, assuming that the added initial token is available at time 0.

  3. (1 pts) Determine the makespan of the schedule of Item b.

  4. (3 pts) What are the possible values of the throughput of Actor \(A\) in a valid schedule, \(\sigma_3\), of the deadlock-free graph in which \(\sigma_3(D, k)=15+10\cdot{}k\) for all \(k\in{}\mathbb{N}\).

  5. (4 pts) Compute the following event sequences: \[[10, 10]^1\] \[-5 \otimes [0, -\infty{}, 10]\] \[[0, -\infty{}, -\infty{}] \oplus [-\infty{}, 10, 20]\] \[[0, 2, 4] \otimes [-\infty{}, 10, 10, 20, 20]\]

  6. (4 pts) Consider a max-plus-linear and index-invariant system \(S\) with a single input \(i\) and a single output \(o\). The impulse response of \(S\) is \[ h_{i,o} = [0, 0, 6, -\infty{}, -\infty{}, -\infty{}, \ldots{}]\]

    If input \(i\) to system \(S\) is equal to \[i=[1,2,3, 4, 5]\] compute the output event sequence \(o\) such that \[i\mathbin{\stackrel{S}{\longrightarrow}}o\]

  7. (4 pts) Let input \(i'\) to system \(S\) be equal to \[i' = i \oplus [-\infty{}, -\infty{}, 10, -\infty{}, -\infty{}]\] Use the results from Item f, and the superposition principle to determine the output event sequence \(o'\) such that \[i'\mathbin{\stackrel{S}{\longrightarrow}}o'\]

  8. (5 pts) Consider the following max-plus matrix \({\textrm{\bf{}{M}}}\).

    \[ {\textrm{\bf{}{M}}} = \begin{bmatrix}{1}&{2}&{3}&{4}\\{1}&{-\infty{}}&{3}&{-\infty{}}\\{1}&{-\infty{}}&{-3}&{0}\\{-\infty{}}&{-2}&{-\infty{}}&{0}\\\end{bmatrix} \]

    Determine the largest eigenvalue of the matrix \({\textrm{\bf{}{M}}}\) and determine a normal eigenvector for this eigenvalue.


  1. (3 pts) An initial token is needed on the cycle between the actors \(A\)\(D\)\(B\) to make the graph deadlock free. The given schedule satisfies the channel constraints for the channels \(B\)\(A\) and \(A\)\(D\) without initial tokens, but not for channel \(D\)\(B\). With one initial token, the constraints for channel \(D\)\(B\) are satisfied, so that is where we need to add the initial token. Note that also the constraints for channel \(A\)\(C\) are satisfied.


    +1 for adding a token that makes the graph deadlock free.
    +2 for a solution that makes the schedule valid.

  2. (3 pts)

    The self-timed schedule is as follows.

    \(\sigma(A, 0) = 1\) \(\sigma(A, 1) = 7\) \(\sigma(A, 2) = 13\)
    \(\sigma(B, 0) = 0\) \(\sigma(B, 1) = 6\) \(\sigma(B, 2) = 12\)
    \(\sigma(C, 0) = 4\) \(\sigma(C, 1) = 10\) \(\sigma(C, 2) = 16\)
    \(\sigma(D, 0) = 4\) \(\sigma(D, 1) = 10\) \(\sigma(D, 2) = 16\)

    +1.5 for a valid schedule.
    +1.5 for the unique self-timed schedule.

  3. (1 pts) The makespan is the completion time of the last actor firing of the schedule. The makespan is \(18\) as both actors \(C\) and \(D\) complete their third firing at time \(18\).


    +1 for the correct answer.

  4. (3 pts) According to the channel constraint on channel \(A\)\(D\), we know that for all \(k\in\mathbb{N}\), \[\sigma_3(A, k) + 3 \leq{} \sigma_3(D, k) = 15+10\cdot{}k\] \[\sigma_3(A, k) \leq{} 12+10\cdot{}k\]

    According to the channel constraint on channels \(D\)\(B\), we know that for all \(k\in\mathbb{N}\), \[\sigma_3(D, k) + 2 = 17+10\cdot{}k \leq{} \sigma_3(B, k+1) \] and thus that for all \(k\geq{} 1\), \[7+10\cdot{}k \leq{} \sigma_3(B, k) \] According to the channel constraint on channels \(B\)\(A\), we know that for all \(k\in\mathbb{N}\), \[\sigma_3(B, k) + 1 \leq{} \sigma_3(A, k) \] Together we have that for all \(k\geq{}1\), \[8 + 10\cdot{}k \leq{} \sigma_3(A, k) \leq{} 12 + 10\cdot{} k \]

    The throughput of \(A\) is given by \[\lim_{k\rightarrow{}\infty} \frac{k}{\sigma_3(A, k)}\]

    Hence, the throughput of \(A\) can only take the value \(\frac{1}{10}\).


    +1 for an answer that includes the possible throughput of \(\frac{1}{10}\).
    +1 for the final answer that it can only be \(\frac{1}{10}\).
    +1 for a valid reasoning or proof.

  5. (4 pts)

    The results are: \[[-\infty{},10,10]\] \[[-5, -\infty{}, 5]\] \[[0, 10, 20]\] and \[[-\infty{}, 10, 12]\]


    +1 for correct expression 1.
    +1 for correct expression 2.
    +1 for correct expression 3.
    +1 for correct expression 4.

  6. (4 pts)

    The result is the convolution of the input and the impulse response: \[[1,2,3,4,5]\otimes[0,0,6,-\infty{},-\infty{}, \ldots] = [1, 2, 7, 8, 9]\]


    +2 for knowing that the output is the convolution between input and impulse response.
    +2 for a correctly computed result.

  7. (4 pts)

    From the superposition principle we know that \(o' = o\oplus o''\), where \[[-\infty{}, -\infty{}, 10, -\infty{}, -\infty{}] \mathbin{\stackrel{S}{\longrightarrow}} o''\] \[o'' = [-\infty{}, -\infty{}, 10, 10, 16]\] \[o' = [1, 2, 10, 10, 16]\]


    +2 for a valid application of the superposition principle.
    +2 for a correctly computed result.

  8. (5 pts) The precedence graph of the matrix \({\textrm{\bf{}{M}}}\) is shown below on the left. The red cycle is the cycle with the Maximum Cycle Mean, which is 2. Hence the largest eigenvalue is 2. On the right the precedence graph of \(-\lambda\otimes{\textrm{\bf{}{M}}}\) is shown.

    Determining the longest paths starting from node \(x_3\) on the critical cycle leads to the eigenvector \([1~1~0~-3]^T\). The corresponding normal eigenvector is \([0~0~-1~-4]^T\).


    +1 for a correct precedence graph of \({\textrm{\bf{}{M}}}\).
    +1 for a correctly identified MCM / eigenvalue.
    +1 for the precedence graph of \(-\lambda\otimes{}{\textrm{\bf{}{M}}}\).
    +1 for a correct eigenvector.
    +1 for a normal eigenvector.

Problem: Dataflow Graphs and Max-Plus Algebra, Problem Set 2 (27 pts)
  1. (3 pts) Compute the following max-plus expressions of an inner product, a matrix-vector product and an event sequence. \[ \left( \begin{bmatrix}{1}\\{-\infty{}}\\{2}\end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix}{-1}\\{5}\\{3}\end{bmatrix} \right) \] \[ \begin{bmatrix}{-4}&{3}\\{-\infty{}}&{-3}\\{5}&{-\infty{}}\\\end{bmatrix} \left[\begin{array}{c}{2}\\{-2}\\\end{array}\right] \] \[ 5\otimes[0, -\infty{}, 6]^2 \]

  2. (4 pts) \({\textrm{\bf{}{A}}}\) is an unknown max-plus matrix. We know that the following equations hold. \[ {\textrm{\bf{}{A}}}\begin{bmatrix}{-2}\\{5}\\{2}\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}{11}\\{-\infty{}}\\{1}\end{bmatrix},~~~ {\textrm{\bf{}{A}}}\begin{bmatrix}{0}\\{-1}\\{2}\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}{5}\\{-\infty{}}\\{0}\end{bmatrix} \] Use linearity and monotonicity of max-plus-linear algebra to determine the largest lower bound vector and the smallest upper bound vector on the vector \({\textrm{\bf{}{A}}}\begin{bmatrix}{10}\\{11}\\{12}\end{bmatrix}\).

    Consider the following Timed Dataflow Graph:

  3. (4 pts) Determine the impulse response from input \(i_1\) to output \(o\), i.e., \(h_{i_1,o}\) and use it to determine the output sequence corresponding to the inputs \(i_1=[0, 8, 8, 14, 15]\) and \(i_2=\epsilon\), and initial tokens first available with time stamp \(-\infty{}\).

  4. (4 pts) Use symbolic simulation to determine the state-space matrices, \({\textrm{\bf{}{A}}}\), \({\textrm{\bf{}{B}}}\), \({\textrm{\bf{}{C}}}\) and \({\textrm{\bf{}{D}}}\) of the given dataflow graph.

  5. (5 pts) Determine the largest eigenvalue and the corresponding normal eigenvector. Use it to determine the maximum throughput of the dataflow graph.

  6. (3 pts) Give a periodic schedule \(\sigma\) of three iterations of the dataflow graph with a period \(\mu\) equal to the largest eigenvalue of the state-matrix and such that \(\sigma(A,0)=0\). Determine the makespan of the schedule \(\sigma\).

  7. (4 pts) Let \(S\) be a max-plus-linear and index-invariant system with one input \(i\) and one output \(o\). Assume that for latency analysis our period of interest is \(\mu=5\). When provided with input event sequence \(\epsilon\) and initial state vector \({\textrm{\bf{}{x}}}(0)=\left[\begin{array}{c}{3}\\{4}\\\end{array}\right]\), output \(o\) has a \(\mu\)-periodic latency of 12. If input \(i\) has \(\mu\)-periodic latency 3, and the initial state vector \({\textrm{\bf{}{x}}}(0)=\left[\begin{array}{c}{0}\\{0}\\\end{array}\right]\), the \(\mu\)-periodic latency of \(o\) is 7. What is the \(\mu\)-periodic output latency for the input sequence \([10, 10, 20, 20, 30, 30, \ldots]\) and initial state \(\left[\begin{array}{c}{2}\\{3}\\\end{array}\right]\)?


  1. (3 pts) \[ \left( \begin{bmatrix}{1}\\{-\infty{}}\\{2}\end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix}{-1}\\{5}\\{3}\end{bmatrix} \right) = 5 \] \[ \begin{bmatrix}{-4}&{3}\\{-\infty{}}&{-3}\\{5}&{-\infty{}}\\\end{bmatrix} \left[\begin{array}{c}{2}\\{-2}\\\end{array}\right]=\begin{bmatrix}{1}\\{-5}\\{7}\end{bmatrix} \] \[ 5\otimes[0, -\infty{}, 6]^2 = [-\infty{}, -\infty{}, 5, -\infty{}, 11]\]


    +1 for correct expression 1
    +1 for correct expression 2
    +1 for correct expression 3

  2. (4 pts) \({\textrm{\bf{}{A}}} \begin{bmatrix}{10}\\{11}\\{12}\end{bmatrix} = 6 \otimes {\textrm{\bf{}{A}}} \begin{bmatrix}{4}\\{5}\\{6}\end{bmatrix} \geq{} 6 \otimes {\textrm{\bf{}{A}}} \begin{bmatrix}{-2}\\{5}\\{2}\end{bmatrix} = 6 \otimes \begin{bmatrix}{11}\\{-\infty{}}\\{1}\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}{17}\\{-\infty{}}\\{7}\end{bmatrix}\)

    \({\textrm{\bf{}{A}}} \begin{bmatrix}{10}\\{11}\\{12}\end{bmatrix} = 10 \otimes {\textrm{\bf{}{A}}} \begin{bmatrix}{0}\\{1}\\{2}\end{bmatrix} \geq{} 10 \otimes {\textrm{\bf{}{A}}} \begin{bmatrix}{0}\\{-1}\\{2}\end{bmatrix} = 10 \otimes \begin{bmatrix}{5}\\{-\infty{}}\\{0}\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}{15}\\{-\infty{}}\\{10}\end{bmatrix}\)

    \({\textrm{\bf{}{A}}} \begin{bmatrix}{10}\\{11}\\{12}\end{bmatrix} = 12 \otimes {\textrm{\bf{}{A}}} \begin{bmatrix}{-2}\\{-1}\\{0}\end{bmatrix} \leq{} 12 \otimes {\textrm{\bf{}{A}}} \begin{bmatrix}{-2}\\{5}\\{2}\end{bmatrix} = 12 \otimes \begin{bmatrix}{11}\\{-\infty{}}\\{1}\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}{23}\\{-\infty{}}\\{13}\end{bmatrix}\)

    \({\textrm{\bf{}{A}}} \begin{bmatrix}{10}\\{11}\\{12}\end{bmatrix} = 12 \otimes {\textrm{\bf{}{A}}} \begin{bmatrix}{-2}\\{-1}\\{0}\end{bmatrix} \leq{} 12 \otimes {\textrm{\bf{}{A}}} \begin{bmatrix}{0}\\{-1}\\{2}\end{bmatrix} = 12 \otimes \begin{bmatrix}{5}\\{-\infty{}}\\{0}\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}{17}\\{-\infty{}}\\{12}\end{bmatrix}\)

    \(\begin{bmatrix}{17}\\{-\infty{}}\\{10}\end{bmatrix} \leq{} {\textrm{\bf{}{A}}} \begin{bmatrix}{10}\\{11}\\{12}\end{bmatrix} \leq{} \begin{bmatrix}{17}\\{-\infty{}}\\{12}\end{bmatrix}\)


    +1 for use of linearity
    +1 for use of monotonicity
    +1 for a correct lower bound
    +1 for a correct upper bound

  3. (4 pts)

    The impulse response \(h_{i_1,o} = [22, 26, 33, 37, 44, 48, \ldots]\). The output sequence is \(i\otimes{} h_{i_1, o} = [0, 8, 8, 14, 15] \otimes [22, 26, 33, 37, 44] = [22, 30, 34, 41, 45]\).


    +2 for correct impulse response
    +2 for correct output sequence

  4. (4 pts)

    We order the tokens as follows. \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) the two tokens on the channel from B to A, \(x_3\) the token on the self-edge on B. The symbolic starting and completion time stamp vectors of the actor firings are

    \({\textrm{\bf{}{a}}}_s = [0, -\infty{}, -\infty{}, 0, -\infty{}]\)

    \({\textrm{\bf{}{a}}}_c = [7, -\infty{}, -\infty{}, 7, -\infty{}]\)

    \({\textrm{\bf{}{b}}}_s = [7, -\infty{}, 0, 7, 0]\)

    \({\textrm{\bf{}{b}}}_c = [11, -\infty{}, 4, 11, 4]\)

    \({\textrm{\bf{}{c}}}_s = [11, -\infty{}, 4, 11, 4]\)

    \({\textrm{\bf{}{c}}}_c = [22, -\infty{}, 15, 22, 15]\)

    Hence, for the initial tokens after one iteration.

    \({\textrm{\bf{}{x}}}'_1 = [-\infty{}, 0, -\infty{}, -\infty{}, -\infty{}]\)

    \({\textrm{\bf{}{x}}}'_2 = [11, -\infty{}, 4, 11, 4]\)

    \({\textrm{\bf{}{x}}}'_3 = [11, -\infty{}, 4, 11, 4]\)

    And for the output \(o\):

    \({\textrm{\bf{}{o}}} = [22, -\infty{}, 15, 22, 15]\)

    This leads to the following state-space matrices.

    \[ {\textrm{\bf{}{A}}} = \begin{bmatrix}{-\infty{}}&{0}&{-\infty{}}\\{11}&{-\infty{}}&{4}\\{11}&{-\infty{}}&{4}\\\end{bmatrix} \]

    \[ {\textrm{\bf{}{B}}} = \begin{bmatrix}{-\infty{}}&{-\infty{}}\\{11}&{4}\\{11}&{4}\\\end{bmatrix} \]

    \[ {\textrm{\bf{}{C}}} = \begin{bmatrix}{22}~{-\infty{}}~{15}\end{bmatrix} \]

    \[ {\textrm{\bf{}{D}}} = \begin{bmatrix}{22}~{15}\end{bmatrix} \]


    +2 for correct use of symbolic time stamp vectors and symbolic simulation
    +2 for the correct matrices

  5. (5 pts)

    From the following precedence graph of the state matrix, we can conclude that the Maximum Cycle Mean, and hence the largest eigenvalue of the state matrix is equal to \(\frac{11}{2}\).

    From the precedence graph of \(-\frac{11}{2}\otimes{}{\textrm{\bf{}{A}}}\) we determine an eigenvector using the longest paths from a node on the critical cycle.

    We get the vector \(\begin{bmatrix}{0}\\{\frac{11}{2}}\\{\frac{11}{2}}\end{bmatrix}\). The normalized eigenvector is \(\begin{bmatrix}{-\frac{11}{2}}\\{0}\\{0}\end{bmatrix}\).


    +1 for creating the correct precedence graph
    +1 for determining the correct Maximum Cycle Mean
    +1 for determining the correct throughput
    +1 for a correct eigenvector
    +1 for a normal eigenvector

  6. (3 pts)

    The self-timed periodic schedule is as follows.

    \(\sigma(A, 0)=0 , \sigma(B, 0)=7 ,\sigma(C, 0)= 11\) \(\sigma(A, 1)=5\frac{1}{2}, \sigma(B, 1)=12\frac{1}{2}, \sigma(C, 1)= 16\frac{1}{2}\) \(\sigma(A, 2)=11, \sigma(B, 2)=18, \sigma(C, 2)= 22\)

    The makespan is determined by the completion of the third firing of \(C\) at time 33.


    +2 for a correct periodic schedule
    +1 for the correct makespan

  7. (4 pts)

    The input sequence \([10, 10, 20, 20, 30, 30, \ldots]\) has a 5-periodic latency of 10. The state latency for state \(\left[\begin{array}{c}{3}\\{4}\\\end{array}\right]\) is 12 and hence, by homogeneity, for \(\left[\begin{array}{c}{2}\\{3}\\\end{array}\right]\) it is 11. For initial state \(\left[\begin{array}{c}{0}\\{0}\\\end{array}\right]\) and input latency 3, it is 7. Hence, by homogeneity, for initial state \(\left[\begin{array}{c}{2}\\{2}\\\end{array}\right]\) and input latency 5, it is 9.

    Since an input latency of 5 and initial state \(\left[\begin{array}{c}{2}\\{3}\\\end{array}\right]\) is the superposition of both, the corresponding latency is \(11\oplus9=11\).


    +1 for input latency of the given sequence
    +2 for correct use of superposition
    +1 for correct latency

Problem: Dataflow Graphs and Max-Plus Algebra, Problem Set 3 (27 pts)

Consider the following Timed Dataflow Graph.

  1. (2 pts) Make the graph deadlock free by adding one initial token to a channel.

  2. (3 pts) Give a valid schedule \(\sigma\) for the first two iterations of the new graph, including the added token, assuming that the added initial token is available at time 0 and such that the makespan of the schedule is at most \(26\).

  3. (2 pts) Does the schedule \(\sigma\) have a throughput value for Actor \(A\)? If yes, determine the throughput. If no, explain why we cannot assign a throughput value to the schedule.

  4. (5 pts) Compute the following max-plus algebra expressions: \[[-10, -\infty{}]^2\] \[0 \otimes [5, 10, 15]\] \[[0, 4, 8, 12] \otimes [10, 10, 20, 20]\] \[ \left( \begin{bmatrix}{2}\\{12}\\{5}\end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix}{2}\\{-\infty{}}\\{-5}\end{bmatrix} \right) \] \[ \begin{bmatrix}{3}&{5}\\{-\infty{}}&{-1}\\{-5}&{-\infty{}}\\\end{bmatrix} \left[\begin{array}{c}{0}\\{-\infty{}}\\\end{array}\right] \]

  5. (5 pts) Consider a max-plus-linear and index-invariant system \(S\) with two inputs \(i_1\) and \(i_2\) and a single output \(o\). The impulse responses of \(S\) are \[ h_{i_1,o} = [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, \ldots{}]\] \[ h_{i_2,o} = [10, 10, 10, -\infty{}, -\infty{}, -\infty{}, \ldots{}]\]

    If input \(i_1\) to system \(S\) is equal to \[i_1=[8,9,10,11,12]\] and input \(i_2\) to system \(S\) is equal to \[i_2=[4, 4, 8, 8, 12]\] compute the output event sequence \(o\) such that \[i_1, i_2\mathbin{\stackrel{S}{\longrightarrow}}o\]

  6. (4 pts) Let input \(i'_2\) to system \(S\) of the previous item be equal to \[i'_2 = i_2 \oplus [-\infty{}, -\infty{}, 10, -\infty{}, -\infty{}]\] Use the results from Item e and the superposition principle to determine the output event sequence \(o'\) such that \[i_1, i'_2\mathbin{\stackrel{S}{\longrightarrow}}o'\]

  7. (6 pts) Consider the following max-plus matrix \({\textrm{\bf{}{M}}}\).

    \[ {\textrm{\bf{}{M}}} = \begin{bmatrix}{0}&{8}&{-\infty{}}&{-\infty{}}\\{-2}&{-\infty{}}&{1}&{-\infty{}}\\{-\infty{}}&{-\infty{}}&{-\infty{}}&{5}\\{6}&{8}&{-\infty{}}&{3}\\\end{bmatrix} \]

    Determine the largest eigenvalue of the matrix \({\textrm{\bf{}{M}}}\) and determine a normal eigenvector for this eigenvalue.


  1. (2 pts) An initial token is needed on every cycle to make the graph deadlock free. We can add only one token. We must place it on the channel that is shared by both cycles, the edge from Actor \(B\) to Actor \(A\).


    +2 for adding a token that makes the graph deadlock free.

  2. (3 pts) The following is such a schedule. Note that the two firings of Actor \(C\) have to be concurrent to achieve the makespan constraint.

    \(\sigma(A, 0) = 0\) \(\sigma(A, 1) = 16\)
    \(\sigma(B, 0) = 15\) \(\sigma(B, 1) = 24\)
    \(\sigma(C, 0) = 0\) \(\sigma(C, 1) = 0\)
    \(\sigma(D, 0) = 12\) \(\sigma(D, 1) = 21\)

    +1.5 for a valid schedule.
    +1.5 for a schedule with makespan at most 26.

  3. (2 pts) The schedule does not have a throughput value for Actor \(A\), since the actor fires only a finite number of times.


    +2 for the correct answer.

  4. (5 pts) The results are: \[[-\infty{}, -\infty{}, -10, -\infty{}]\] \[[5, 10, 15]\] \[[10, 14, 20, 24]\] \[ 4 \] \[ \begin{bmatrix}{3}\\{-\infty{}}\\{-5}\end{bmatrix} \]


    +1 for correct expression 1.
    +1 for correct expression 2.
    +1 for correct expression 3.
    +1 for correct expression 4.
    +1 for correct expression 5.

  5. (5 pts) The result is the maximum of the convolutions of each of the inputs and the corresponding impulse responses:

    \([8,9,10,11,12]\otimes[3,6,9,12,15] \oplus [4,4,8,8,12]\otimes[10,10,10,-\infty{},-\infty{}]\)

    \(= [11, 14, 17, 20, 23] \oplus [14, 14, 18, 18, 22]\)

    \(= [14, 14, 18, 20, 23]\)


    +2 for knowing that the output is the convolution between input and impulse response.
    +2 for correctly computed responses for the individual inputs.
    +1 for a correctly computed output.

  6. (4 pts) From the superposition principle we know that \(o' = o\oplus o''\), where \[\epsilon, [-\infty{}, -\infty{}, 10, -\infty{}, -\infty{}] \mathbin{\stackrel{S}{\longrightarrow}} o''\] \[o'' = [-\infty{}, -\infty{}, 10, -\infty{}, -\infty{}]\otimes[10, 10, 10, -\infty{}, -\infty{}]\] \[o'' = [-\infty{}, -\infty{}, 20, 20, 20]\] \[o' = [14, 14, 18, 20, 23]\oplus[-\infty{}, -\infty{}, 20, 20, 20] = [14, 14, 20, 20, 23]\]


    +2 for a valid application of the superposition principle.
    +2 for a correctly computed result.

  7. (6 pts) The precedence graph of the matrix \({\textrm{\bf{}{M}}}\) is shown below on the left. The red cycle is the cycle with the Maximum Cycle Mean, which is 5. Hence the largest eigenvalue is 5. On the right the precedence graph of \(-\lambda\otimes{\textrm{\bf{}{M}}}\) is shown.

    Determining the longest paths starting from node \(x_1\) on the critical cycle leads to the eigenvector \([0~-3~1~1]^T\). The corresponding normal eigenvector is \([-1~-4~0~0]^T\).


    +2 for the correct precedence graph of \({\textrm{\bf{}{M}}}\).
    +1 for a correctly identified MCM / eigenvalue.
    +1 for the precedence graph of \(-\lambda\otimes{}{\textrm{\bf{}{M}}}\).
    +1 for a correct eigenvector.
    +1 for a normal eigenvector.